Paper Submission Guidelines
Below is a set of guidelines and formatting instructions to help you prepare your paper. Please read them carefully prior to submitting your papers.

  1. Submitted papers must NOT have been previously presented, scheduled for presentation, published, accepted for publication and, if under review, must NOT appear in print before the 8th International Conference on TESOL in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
  1. The entire paper MUST be in one document (.doc) and contain the following:

2.1 Title page, which includes –

a) Paper Title
b)  Name(s) of Author(s) and Institutions(s)
c) Abstract
d) Keywords (optional)

2.2 Introduction and sub-headings
2.3 References

  1. Guidelines:

Length: Maximum of 12 pages, including references, charts, tables, etc.

Text: Times New Roman, 12 pt, justified, single spaced

Paper size and margins: A4 paper, 2.5 cm top and bottom, 3 cm left and right margins

Title of paper: Times New Roman, 14 pt, bold, centered

Authors name(s) and institution(s): Immediately below title, one free line above, Times New Roman, 12 pt. Bold, centered

Abstract: Must be included; indented 1 cm right and left, italics. Maximum 600 words.


Major in bold

Minor in italics with one free line above

These apply in Title case.


Tables, Charts, Figures, Diagrams: To be included in the paper in the appropriate place and NOT SENT SEPARATELY.

Tables, Charts, Figures, Diagrams Headings: Times New Roman, 12 pt, Title Case, Bold. NO headers or footers (except for page numbering).

References: Times New Roman, 10 pt, APA style), indented 0.5cm second and subsequent lines, italics, (NOT bold) as appropriate, in list at end of paper. (