Currency Exchange

Foreign currencies are not accepted in most shops, so you have to change your national currency to the Vietnamese currency, which is Vietnam Dong (VND) . Exchange facilities are available at the Airport, shopping mall, and banks. The currency exchange rate as of August 11, 2023, is US$1 ~ 23,700 VND approximately.

Weather & Attire

November in Ho Chi Minh City is the last month of the rainy season so the weather during the day should be warm and humid. The average temperature may range between 23°C to 28°C. Light clothing will be necessary outdoors, yet it is also advisable to bring your own appropriate clothes (a light jacket / shawl or scarf for women) as the meeting room will be fully air-conditioned.

You may wear your national dress or formal attire (suit) during the Conference. However, this is optional but all participants, speakers and guests are requested to dress up formally for the event. Please also note that rain is expected at this time in Vietnam and an umbrella will be useful.

Electricity Apply

The electricity supply in Vietnam is 220 Volts at 50 Hz. Plugs type A (two flat vertical pins), type C and type F (two round pins) fit most Vietnam electrical outlets.